
Create a simple example of a WCF

To create a simple example of a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service with a callback interface and a method that accepts two parameters (name and value), follow these steps. This example consists of defining the service contract, implementing the service, configuring the host, and then creating a client that uses the service.

Maria Trujillo Olaiz Graphic Designer

Maria Trujillo Olaiz was born in Mexico and grew up in Singapore, but also counts South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and London among her many homes

C# How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table?

C# How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table? In SQL 2008/2012/2014/2016/2017, user-defined table type is a user-defined type that describes the definition of a table structure. You can use a user-defined table type to declare table-valued parameters for SP or functions or to declare table variables that you require to utilization in a batch or the body of a Stored Procedure or function.
Force Overwrite Local Files on Git Pull

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Laptop stops working after closing the laptop lid in Debian

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How To Batch Convert RAW Files To JPEG In Photoshop

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DellDocking Station D3100

Dell docking station (D3100) not detecting monitors

Dell docking station (D3100) not detecting monitors, We had the same issue. Make sure you install the driver

Create a simple example of a WCF

To create a simple example of a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service with a callback interface and a method that accepts two parameters (name and value), follow these steps. This example consists of defining the service contract, implementing the service, configuring the host, and then creating a client that uses the service.

How do I change the Dropbox directory on a headless GNU/Linux server?

You could just create a symlink to ~/Dropbox Install Dropbox to get the most out of your account When your download is complete, run the Dropbox...
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