
Create a simple example of a WCF

To create a simple example of a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service with a callback interface and a method that accepts two parameters (name and value), follow these steps. This example consists of defining the service contract, implementing the service, configuring the host, and then creating a client that uses the service.

Maria Trujillo Olaiz Graphic Designer

Maria Trujillo Olaiz was born in Mexico and grew up in Singapore, but also counts South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and London among her many homes

C# How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table?

C# How to insert a data table into SQL Server database table? In SQL 2008/2012/2014/2016/2017, user-defined table type is a user-defined type that describes the definition of a table structure. You can use a user-defined table type to declare table-valued parameters for SP or functions or to declare table variables that you require to utilization in a batch or the body of a Stored Procedure or function.

Convert time to seconds in excel

Convert Time to Seconds in Excel Method 1: Simple Multiplication The first method uses the fact that Excel stores times as decimals, with the number 0...

PyTorch Classifying an image

The essential thing to do with an in-depth learning framework is to classify an image with a pre-trained model. This article works out of the box with PyTorch.
Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF

Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF

Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF Occurs when the Thumb control loses mouse capture. The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the DragCompleted...

Add Hibernate to the Start Menu in Windows 10

In Windows 10, it is desirable to attach the Hibernate option to the power button menu inside the Start menu. Using that option, we...
Brightness controls not working on Gigabyte display

Brightness controls not working on Gigabyte display

Brightness controls not working on Gigabyte display
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Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF

Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF

Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF Occurs when the Thumb control loses mouse capture. The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the DragCompleted...

How to reuse an existing session in XRDP?

How do I set up xrdp session that reuses an existing session? Have been trying to set up an RDP terminal server on precise using...

ERROR 1064 : Using “TYPE = InnoDB” in MySQL throws exception

Error: Using “TYPE = InnoDB” in MySQL throws exception Use instead of . TYPE was removed in 5.  

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