How I converted a VMware VM to KVM

How I converted a VMware VM to KVM
How I converted a VMware VM to KVM

There’s lots of info on the net on achieving that, but I found it a bit too scattered, and had to combine instructions from multiple sources.

I’m not certain it’s the right way, but it worked?. So I’ll share, and get your feedback in case I’ve done anything stupid:

Convert VMDKs (VM’s disk), even when having multiple files, to qcow2 format (note: QVM/QEMU should be able to deal with vmdk files (multiple as well?), so possibly this step is redundant)

2.Convert the vmx (VM’s settings) to xml (requires vmware2libvirt tool found in virt-goodies package)

3.import the xml: the disk as a qcow2 disk:
Shame on me, I did it through the GUI:

A few notes:
I used a very simple VM configuration (e.g. Linux, single hard disk, NAT networking, no sound)
I guess I lost the original snapshots

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