The class you would want to use to develop your solution is the DriveInfo class. There is no way to guarantee it is the same drive easily but you can use options such as the DriveType property to check it is a removable USB drive or the VolumeLabel if...
Some of the C# code I have been writing communicates via TCP/IP with legacy C++ applications. Some codes use a raw packet format where C/C++ structures are passed back and forward. Example of what the legacy code could look like: The problem was born with was how to receive and handle this...
c# - How do I write a backslash (\) in a string?
FileStream provides access to files at the byte level, so, for example, if you have to count or write one or more lines into a text file, the array of bytes should be converted into strings using special methods. That's why other classes are used to work with text files.
How to using  IPAddress.Parse Method This should  work using System.Net.IPAddress. ; Example: The number of parts (each part is separated by a period) in ipString determines how the IP address is constructed. A one part address is stored directly in the network address. A two part address, convenient for specifying a class...