Insert and Update in SQL Using User-Defined Table Type in C#
How to Pass Command Line Arguments using Visual Studio. We wanted to test an application in Visual Studio that accepts command-line parameters for some testing, by specifying different test environments.
Seek locates a position in a file. It allows data to be read from a binary file at a certain part. For example, we can read 20,000 bytes from any part of a file. This is useful for certain file formats—particularly binary ones. Example. To begin our tutorial, we use...
Answers This step-by-step article shows how to recursively search subdirectories for files in a C# Windows Forms application. A search string is specified so that you can find files. Directory recursion is a common IO task. The FileSystemObject makes this job easy for Component Object Model applications. Now, these activities have...
Microsoft platform has become very interesting, notably because of open sourcing of .NET and integration of its products with other great open source platforms, but also the latest free IDE that Microsoft made available has a very free offering for non-commercial or small company management. Free IDE existed in...