Just write this line : If the folder does not exist yet, it will be created. If the folder exists already, the line will be ignored. Summary Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. Remarks All methods of the Directory class are static and...
Using the XCOPY command you can copy files and folders from one machine to another machine. Here I will show you how we can execute XCOPY using C # but before showing that piece of code I would prefer to provide some explanations of XCOPY. So, here you go: 1. ...
To create a simple example of a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service with a callback interface and a method that accepts two parameters (name and value), follow these steps. This example consists of defining the service contract, implementing the service, configuring the host, and then creating a client that uses the service.
Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF
Slider Thumb DragCompleted Event WPF Occurs when the Thumb control loses mouse capture. The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the DragCompleted event to a Thumb control, and how to define the event handler.
Microsoft platform has become very interesting, notably because of open sourcing of .NET and integration of its products with other great open source platforms, but also the latest free IDE that Microsoft made available has a very free offering for non-commercial or small company management. Free IDE existed in...